California Archives
Anaheim Public Library
The Anaheim Public Library collects and preserves materials related to Anaheim’s history. These materials are maintained by the Anaheim Heritage Center. Among its holdings are the papers of several founding families of the “Anaheim Colony,” business records, maps, municipal documents, newspapers, scrapbooks, and more. Some of the Library’s photograph collections have been digitized and can be viewed through the Anaheim Photo Collections.
Archdiocese of San Francisco Archives
San Francisco
The Archdiocese of San Francisco Archives serves as the official repository for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Its holdings include early records of the archdiocese such as chancery records, general correspondence, and various special collections. A Sacramental Records and Genealogy Guide is available.
Autry Museum of the American West
Los Angeles
Formerly the Southwest Museum, the Autry Museum of the American West boasts an expansive collection of archival and material objects. The Autry’s Collections focus on California history, Native America, cowboys and ranching, the the natural environment of the American West. Its Library and Archives is home to various manuscript collections, maps, photographs, rare books, serials, and works of art, much of which focus on the early history of the American Southwest. Items held by the Library and Archives may be searched with its Online Catalog. Some of the Autry’s holdings have been digitized and can be viewed through Autry’s Collections Online. Several Fellowships are offered by the Library and Archives each year.
The Bancroft Library
The Bancroft Library is one of the largest libraries in the United States and serves as the primary special collections library for the University of California - Berkeley. Its collections are particularly strong in the history of Latin America and the western United States. The Western Americana collections chronicle indigenous, Spanish, and American histories west of the Rocky Mountains, while the Latin Americana collections focus on the history of Mexico and South America before and after European contact. These collections are especially rich in material on the Spanish colonization of the American Southwest. OskiCat serves as the Bancroft’s online search engine. Other online resources include the Bancroft’s Finding Aids and the Bancroft LibGuides. The Bancroft also maintains a guide for its Foreign Archive Microfilm Collection, which includes microfilmed collections from archives in Mexico, Spain, Brazil, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. UC Berkeley’s Digital Collections has digitized some of the Bancroft’s collections, while others are available through CALISPHERE. The Bancroft also offers several Fellowships and Awards.
California Historical Society
San Francisco
The California Historical Society houses a decent selection of manuscripts related to 19th century California. Research is conducted at the North Baker Research Library. The Library offers an online catalog; its browse search feature serves as a useful index to the Society’s collections. Finding Aids can be found via the Online Archive of California. Some of the Society’s materials are digitized and available on its Digital Library.
California State Archives
As the official repository for the State of California, the California State Archives maintain government records dating back to the mid-19th century. The State Archives contain some court records for 28 counties, mental health records from state hospitals, prison records, military records, and more. Also available are Spanish and Mexican Land Grant Records collected by the federal government. Complete holdings can be searched via Minerva, the State Archives’ online catalog. Finding aids are available through the Online Archive of California.
California State Library
The California State Library is a public research institution that boasts a significant collection of primary sources related to early California. Much of these materials are housed in the Library’s California History Section. A Collection Overview gives a snapshot of what is available. Included are about 2,000 Manuscript Collections, 80,000 Books related to California, dozens of Newspapers, and more. Finding aids are available through the Online Archive of California. Researchers can also search the collections via the Library’s Online Catalog. Much of the Library’s materials have been digitized and are available through Internet Archive.
Cecil H. Green Library
Part of the Stanford Libraries, the Cecil H. Green Library houses Stanford University’s humanities and social sciences collections. Its Special Collections & University Archives holds material dating back to the 15th century, much of which is focused on early America. A Rare Books Division boasts thousands of unique prints. Some featured collections are the Frederick E. Brasch Collection of Newton and Newtoniana, the Kline/Roethke Collection, the Memorial Library of Music, and the Mary L. Schofield Collection of Children’s Literature. The Manuscript Division holds various collections related to early America, especially California and the West. Some standouts include the American Historical Documents Facsimile Collection, the Californian and Western Manuscripts Collection, the Civil War Collection, and the Colonial and Early American Papers. Green Library is also home to the David Rumsey Map Center, which collects and preserves historical maps and cartographic materials. Finding aids are available via the Online Archive of California. Items held by Green Library may be searched with Stanford Libraries’ SearchWorks. Some of the Special Collections material has been digitized and can be viewed through the Stanford Libraries Digital Collections.
Del E. Webb Memorial Library
Loma Linda
The Del E. Webb Memorial Library serves as the main library for Loma Linda University. Its Heritage Research Center works in conjunction with its Archives & Special Collections to collect and preserve materials related to the history of medicine, Adventism, and the intersection of the two. Its Archival Collections are made up mostly of 20th century materials, but there are significant collections from the 18th and 19th centuries. Also located at Webb Library is the EGW Estate Branch Office, which manages the papers and writings of Seventh-day Adventist and Loma Linda University founder Ellen G. White. Items held by Webb Library may be searched with its Online Catalog. Much of the Heritage Research Center’s materials have been digitized and can be viewed through the Loma Linda University Digital Archives.
Diocesan Archives of Monterey
The Diocesan Archives of Monterey serves as the official repository for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Monterey. It maintains the pre-1990 sacramental records for most of the parishes within the diocese. These include the counties of Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and San Luis Obispo.
Doheny Memorial Library
Los Angeles
Doheny Memorial Library serves as the main library for the University of Southern California. Its Special Collections maintains USC’s primary source collections, including 200,000 rare books and over 1,000 manuscript collections. Its holdings are particularly strong in Chicano and Latino Studies, Iberian and Latin American Studies, and Los Angeles and Southern California Regional History. There are also significant collections on American Literature and Natural History. Early Americanists may find its Boeckmann Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies of interest. The Special Collections’ holdings can be searched either through USC Libraries’ Online Catalog or its Archives at USC. Research funding is available through the Special Collections’ Wallis Annenberg Research Grants. Many of the Special Collections’ materials can be viewed online via the USC Digital Library.
Fresno County Historical Society
The Fresno County Historical Society collects, preserves, and makes available primary sources related to the history of Fresno County. Its Archives include over 250 Manuscript Collections dating back to 1848, various Artifact Collections, and a decent collection of Newspapers.
History San José
San Jose
Formerly the San José Historical Museum, History San José collects and preserves artifacts and manuscripts related to the history of San Jose. Its Research Library and Archives boasts some of the earliest records of Spanish colonization of California. Chief among these are the Pueblo Papers, a collection of manuscripts and records that document the founding and administration of Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe, the first Spanish civil settlement in Alta California. This entire collection has been digitized and can be viewed via the Martin Luther King Jr. Library Digital Collections. History San José holds various other collections, including personal papers, maps, government records, ephemera, and much more. A list of available collections can be found here.
Huntington Library, Art Museum, & Botanical Gardens
San Marino
The Huntington Library is one of the world’s great independent research libraries. It boasts millions of items its Collections, with strengths in American History, Hispanic History and Culture, the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Western American History, California, and more. Collections can be searched via the Huntington’s Library Catalog. Early Americanists may find the Huntington’s various research institutes of interest, including the Shapiro Center for American History & Culture, the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West, and the Research Institute for the History of Science and Technology. Much of the Huntington’s collections have been digitized and can be viewed via the Huntington Digital Library. Various Fellowships are available.
Jack Langson Library
The Jack Langson Library serves as the main library for the University of California Irvine. Its Special Collections & Archives holds a large amount of material on early America. These Collections have a wide focus. There are significant holdings of Rare Books and material related to British Naval History, California, the History of the Book, Literary Authors, and both the Fine Press and the Small Press. There are also several archival collections. Some of the standouts include the American Almanacs Collection, the California Newspaper Collection, and the Collection of Orange County and California Maps. There are also various collections of family papers and photographs, such as the Amador, Yorba, López, and Cota Families Correspondence, the Forster-del Valle Family Papers, the Orange County Californio Families Portrait Photograph Album, and the Pleasants Family Papers. Items held by the Special Collections may be searched with the UCI Libraries’ Online Catalog. Some of the Special Collections material has been digitized and can be viewed through Calisphere.
Leatherby Libraries
The Leatherby Libraries are made up of the various research libraries and archives that serve Chapman University. Their Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives maintains a small but solid collection of early American sources. Its holdings date back to the 17th century and are especially strong in Civil War correspondence. Another feature of the Leatherby Libraries is the Center for American War Letters (CAWL), which preserves an extensive collection of war-related manuscripts from the American Revolution to the present. These materials are housed in the CAWL’s Archives. A LibGuide for the CAWL Archives is available. Items held by the Leatherby Libraries may be searched via their Online Catalog and through ArchiveSpace.
San Diego City Clerk Archives
San Diego
The San Diego City Clerk Archives collections and preserves the historical records of the City of San Diego. Materials held at the City Clerk Archives date back to 1817 and include volumes of public records as well has individual manuscript collections.
San Diego History Center
San Diego
The San Diego History Center collects, preserves, and presents the history of San Diego to the public. Its Special Collections and Research Archive boasts one of the largest selections of historical documents in southern California. Among these Special Collections are Document Archives consisting of architectural records, ephemera, maps, newspapers, and public records. There is also vast selection of Archival Collections that include business records, correspondence, diaries, family papers, military records, rare books, and various other materials. Special Collections also holds millions of images in its Photograph Collection, as well as Historic Clothing, an Object Collection, and the San Diego Fine Art Collection. Renovations are currently underway on the History Center’s Junípero Serra Museum. Items held by the History Center may be searched via its Online Catalog.
San Diego Public Library
San Diego
The San Diego Public Library is the largest cultural institution in San Diego. Its Marilyn & Gene Marx Special Collections Center houses various early American materials. Among these are the Wangenheim Rare Book Collection, which consists of over 9,000 prints that chronicle the history of the book. Items specifically related to San Diego and the surrounding region can be found in the California Collection. These include books, city directories, maps, and newspapers. There is also a large Genealogy Collection, as well as several genealogical resources. Items held by the Library may be searched with its Online Catalog. Some of the Library’s earlier materials have been digitized and can be viewed through its Digital Archive.
San Diego State University Library
San Diego
The San Diego State University (SDSU) Library serves as the main library for SDSU. Its Special Collections and University Archives is home to various rare and unique materials related to early southern California. These Collections include some 80,000 printed volumes, over 500 manuscript collections, and various ephemera and photographic collections. Examples of early holdings include the Urrutia de Vergara Family Papers, the Louisa Wyatt Truscott Album, the 19th Century Newspaper Collection, the United States Civil War Collection, and the Greenwich Sermon Collection. Several Subject Guides are available. Items held by the Special Collections may be searched with its Finding Aid Database. Some of the Special Collections material has been digitized and can be viewed through its Digital Resources.
San José Public Library
The San José Public Library (SJPL) is a public library system that serves the City of San José. Its California Room - Local History Collection is home to several materials related to San José’s early history. These Collections date back to the mid-19th century. A standout collection on the Pueblo of San Jose 1841 - 1850 includes documents relating to Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe and its neighboring mission, Santa Clara de Asis. Other collections include Directories of San José, various Newspapers and Clippings, the San José City Records, and the Townsend Family Papers. There is also a large collection of Photographs. A useful research tool is the California Room Index. Items held by the SJPL may be searched with its Online Catalog. Much of the California Room’s materials have been digitized and can be viewed through the SJPL Digital Collections.
Santa Barbara Mission Archive-Library
Santa Barbara
Formerly the Old Mission Archives, the Santa Barbara Mission Archive-Library (SBMAL) collects and preserves materials related to Franciscans and other Catholic missionary activities in the Spanish colony of New Spain, northwestern Mexico, and the southwestern United States. SBMAL is home to the Archives of the Province of Saint Barbara, which consists of books, correspondence, ephemera, photographs, and other historical records created by its friars and ministers. Other early materials include the Mission Documents Collections and the De la Geurra Collection. A Photo Archive and various Genealogical Resources are also available.
Santa Clara University Library
Santa Clara
Formerly the Orrandre Library, the Santa Clara University Library serves as the main library for Santa Clara University. Its Archives & Special Collections contains various sources related to early California. Among these are the Mission Santa Clara Manuscripts which are comprised of hundreds of account books, annual reports, ecclesiastical and government correspondence, and other documents related to the Franciscan mission from 1777 to 1903. Also featured are the Mission Santa Clara Sacramental Records, which include baptismal records, burial records, and marriage records. Finding Aids and Research Guides are available. Items held by the Special Collections may be searched with its Online Catalog. Much of the Special Collections material has been digitized and can be viewed through the Santa Clara University Digital Collections.
Sherman Library & Gardens
Corona del Mar
Sherman Library & Gardens holds various material related to early California and the Pacific Southwest. The Sherman Library holds several Book Collections related to the history of the Pacific Southwest, as well as an Art Collection, City Directory Collections, Photograph Collections. There are also several Archival Collections, including the Joe and Ramona Miller California Land Grant Collection, the Lucy Sherman Clark Letters, and the Papers of Moses Hazeltine Sherman. Much of the Sherman’s materials have been digitized and can be viewed through the Sherman Library Digital Catalog.
UC San Diego Library
La Jolla
The UC San Diego Library serves as the main library for the University of California San Diego. Its Specials Collections & Archives is home to various sources related to early America. Several Collections focus specifically on California and the surrounding region, including the Baja California Collection and the Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages. There is also a collection on California & History of the West. Those interested in early American cookery may find the American Institute of Wine & Food Culinary Collection to be of interest. Finding Aids are available. Items held by the Library may be searched via its Online Catalog. Much of the Special Collections’ early material has been digitized and can be viewed through the UC San Diego Library’s Digital Collection. The Library offers various Travel Awards each year to visiting researchers.
UCLA Library
Los Angeles
The UCLA Library serves as the main library for the University of California Los Angeles. Its Special Collections holds an extensive collection of rare books, manuscripts, photographs, ephemera, and other materials related to early American history. Its holdings are especially rich in sources related to Los Angeles History and Culture, Chicana and Chicano Studies, and Latin American Studies. A great resource offered by the Special Collections is its Center for Primary Research and Training. Several Research Guides are available and finding aids can be viewed through the Online Archive of California. Items held by the UCLA Library may be searched with its Online Catalog. Much of the Special Collections’ material has been digitized and can be viewed through the UCLA Library Digital Collections. The UCLA Library offers several Research Fellowships.
William H. Hannon Library
Los Angeles
The William H. Hannon Library serves as the main library for Loyola Marymount University. Its Archives and Special Collections features various manuscripts, prints, and works of art related to early California. These Collections are quite diverse and unique. Several Rare Books Collections are available, including a large selection of Jesuit publications, fine press books, English literature, and many 18th and 19th century Spanish-language prints held by early Californio families. Among the Manuscript Collections are maps, newspapers personal papers, photographs, and more. Some standouts include the Brother Henry, F.S.C., Microfilm Collection of Early Roman Catholic California, the California Map Collection, the Gabrieliño Indians Publications Collection, the Loyola Marymount University Civil War Collection, the Rancho La Ballona Property Records, and the Workman Family Albums. There are also an Art an Artifacts Collection and a Postcard Collection. Special Collections also maintains the Center for the Study of Los Angeles Research Collection, a trove of archival materials owned by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles. Much of the Special Collections material has been digitized and can be viewed through the Loyola Marymount University Digital Collections.
Yosemite Museum, Archives, and Research Library
Yosemite Valley
The Yosemite Museum, Archives, and Research Library is the research arm of Yosemite National Park. Over five million items are held by the Yosemite Research Library, making it one of the largest repositories within the National Park System. The Library’s Collections include thousands of linear feet of government documents, maps, photographs, and private manuscripts, much of which focus on the human and natural histories of the Yosemite Valley.
Other California Archives & Sources
Many California counties maintain their earliest records. Check with local county clerks to find what they have. Mariposa County Research maintains a list of local historical societies and county archives throughout California. The Online Archive of California is a state-wide database that provides information about Califronia archives and their holdings. CALISPHERE is a state-wide digital library that provides access to access to digital collections from several California libraries, archives, and museums.
Several regional institutions hold collections related to early California, including the Arizona Historical Society, the Nevada Historical Society, and the Oregon Historical Society. Early California sources can also be found at the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration.
Much of California’s history is defined by Spanish and Mexican colonization. As such, early California sources can be found in both Mexico and Spain. Check with Mexico’s Archivo General de la Nación and Biblioteca Nacional de México, and Spain’s Archivo General de Indias.
Other Early American Resources
Lists of archives and research libraries in the United States that hold early American sources.
A list of online databases with early American sources.
Lists of printed sources related to the colonial and early national history of the United States.