Arkansas Archives
Arkansas State Archives
Little Rock
The Arkansas State Archives serves as the official repository for the State of Arkansas. Its Collections document well Arkansas’s early history. African American materials include various 19th century church records, civil war documents, Freedmen’s Bureau papers, and items related to slavery. Arkansas Governors resources consist of official and personal papers of most 19th century governors of both the territory and the state. Civil War records are made up of Confederate and Union muster rolls, hospital records, orderly books, quartermaster records, personal correspondence, and various other materials. Various records related to Property are also available, including both federal and county survey records. There are also Women’s History resources, including manuscripts, photographs, vertical files, and more. Newspapers, maps, and various other manuscript materials are also held by the State Archives. Resource Guides are available. Items held by the State Archives may be searched with its Online Catalog. Some of the State Archives’ early material has been digitized and can be viewed through the Arkansas Digital Archives.
Arkansas State Library
Little Rock
The Arkansas State Library serves as the official library for the State of Arkansas. Its Collections contain some materials related to early Arkansas. Among these are the Arkansas Collection which contains Arkansas-based imprints. There is also a large selection of early Arkansas newspapers and periodicals. Items held by the State Library may be searched with its Library Catalog.
Bobby L. Roberts Library of Arkansas History & Art
Little Rock
Part of the Central Arkansas Library System, the Bobby L. Roberts Library of Arkansas History & Art is one of Arkansas’s prominent research libraries. It houses both the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies and the Center for Arkansas History and Culture. Both of these Centers feature large collections of archival material related to early Arkansas, including resources on African Americans, Building & Property History, the Civil War, and Women. Standout collections include the Arkansas Slavery Collection, the Heiskell Civil War Collection, the Jefferson and Mary Burnell Robinson Civil War Collection, and the Louisa Mallory Letters. The Roberts Library also maintains several Genealogy Resources. Among these is a robust selection of Genealogy Microfilm consisting of census records, city directories, court records, Freedmen’s Bureau records, marriage records, military records, and tax records. Finding Aids are available. Items held by the Roberts Library may be searched with the Arkansas Studies Research Portal. Much of the Roberts Library’s material has been digitized and can be viewed through its Digital Collections.
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art maintains a sizeable collection of early American sources. Its Art Collection consists of works from the colonial era to the present, much of which is featured in its various Exhibitions. Besides works of art, the Museum also curates various manuscripts related to early American artists. These are housed in the Crystal Bridges Library. An Alphabetical List of Artists with letters and manuscripts held by the Library is available. Items held by the Library may be searched with its Catalog.
David W. Mullins Library
The David W. Mullins Library serves as the main library for the University of Arkansas. Its Special Collections holds various materials related to early Arkansas history. A large selection of Rare Books features colonial-era pamphlets, early works on social and natural sciences, and the personal libraries of of New Harmony founder Robert Owen and his son, Robert Dale Owen. Similarly, the Arkansas Collection consists of rare prints published in Arkansas or written by Arkansans. There are also several Manuscript Collections that focus on early Arkansas. Some highlights include the Arkansas Colonial Papers, the Margaret Smith Ross Papers, the Thomas E. Tappan, Jr. Steamboat Collection, and various collections of family papers. Other Special Collections materials include newspapers and photographs. Finding Aids and Topic Guides are available. Items held by the Mullins Library may be searched with its Library Catalog. Much of the Special Collections’ material has been digitized and can be viewed through the University of Arkansas Libraries Digital Collections.
Fayetteville Public Library
The Fayetteville Public Library maintains several sources related to the early history of Fayetteville and the surrounding region. Its Genealogy Collection consists of various 19th century Arkansas newspapers, including Cherokee and Choctaw newspapers. There are also census records, Confederate pension records, county records, immigration records, military records, plat books, vertical files, vital statistics, and much more.
Sequoyah National Research Center
Little Rock
The Sequoyah National Research Center (SNRC) is one of the best research libraries for Native American studies in the United States. Its Archives are home to the world’s largest collection of indigenous newspapers, totaling some 2,800 different titles. SNRC also maintains manuscripts, maps, photographs, and other materials. Strengths of these collections are on Cherokee history and culture, Oklahoma and Indian Territory history, and indigenous literature. Items held by the SNRC may be searched with its Archives Catalog and its Library Catalog. A useful digital resource from the SNRC is the Tribal Writers Digital Library.
Shiloh Museum of Ozark History
The Shiloh Museum of Ozark History is one of the leading cultural institutions focused on northwest Arkansas and the Ozarks. Its Collections consist of over half a million objects. Among these are Native American artifacts, fashions and textiles, original art, and various other material objects. A standout remains the Mary D. Parsons Photograph Collection, which includes over 500,000 images related to northwestern Arkansas. Much of these materials can be found in the Shiloh Museum’s Exhibits, many of which are accessible online.
Olin C. Bailey Library
The Olin C. Bailey Library serves as the main library for Hendrix College. Among its Collections are rich in 19th century materials, especially the Arkansas United Methodist Archives. These materials consist of Arkansas Methodist records, such as those of the Little Rock and North Arkansas Annual Conferences, as well as Methodist organizations that preceded them. Also included are various church records, histories, and photographs. Bailey Library also maintains an extensive collection of Microforms related to various aspects of early American history. Items held by the Bailey Library may be searched with its Online Catalog.
Washington County Archives
The Washington County Archives serves as the official repository for Washington County. Its holdings date back to the formation of the county and include various Court Records, Land Records, and Tax & Assessment Records. There are also some late 19th century Administrative & Financial Records.
Other State Archives & Sources
Many Arkansas counties still maintain their earliest records. Check with local county clerks to learn what is available. The Arkansas Historical Association keeps a list of County Historical Societies.
Several regional repositories have sources related to early Arkansas, including the Briscoe Center for American History, The Historic New Orleans Collection, the Louisiana State Archives, the Missouri Historical Society, the Oklahoma Historical Society, and the Tennessee State Library & Archives. Early Arkansas sources may also be found at the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration.
Prior to 1804, the space that became Arkansas was part of the French and Spanish colony of Louisiana. As such, early Arkansas sources can be found in France at the Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer and the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, and in Spain at the Archivo General de Indias.
Lists of archives and research libraries in the United States that hold early American sources.
A list of online databases with early American sources.
Lists of printed sources related to the colonial and early national history of the United States.